Join your peers at Achieving Accreditation Mar 20-21. Seats limited. Secure your spot today.


Learn the history of AAAHC

More than 45 years ago, AAAHC was founded to:

“encourage and assist ambulatory health care organizations to provide the highest achievable level of care for recipients in the most efficient and economically sound manner. AAAHC accomplishes this by the operation of a peer-based assessment, consultation, education and accreditation program.”

The six founding members of AAAHC were the American College Health Association, the American Group Practice Association (now known as the American Medical Group Association), the Federated Ambulatory Surgery Association (now known as the Ambulatory Surgery Foundation), the Group Health Association of America (now known as the American Association of Health Plans), the Medical Group Management Association, and the National Association of Community Health Centers. The growth of the Board has helped AAAHC add new Standards in areas such as dentistry, behavioral health, and health education and wellness, while continuously updating existing Standards to reflect cutting-edge ambulatory care knowledge and practice.

Since its inception, AAAHC has promoted a voluntary, peer-based, consultative, and educational survey process to advance patient care.

These values hold true today, as embodied in our mission statement:

Improving health care quality through accreditation

Find out how our mission serves patients 


Male doctor smiling

Achieving Accreditation

Strengthen your accreditation readiness

Achieving Accreditation is an interactive, immersive event designed to help you learn and prepare for your AAAHC survey while developing a deeper understanding of AAAHC Standards. We are facing the future together…1095 Strong!

Learn more about Achieving Accreditation

Doctor with family

Kershner Quality Improvement Award

Check out exemplary studies

Kershner QI Awards recognize excellence in quality improvement methodology and outcomes for AAAHC-accredited organizations in both the surgical/procedural and primary care space.

Learn more about QI innovation