Qualify for accreditation
An organization is considered for accreditation by AAAHC on an individual basis and is eligible for accreditation if it meets all of the following criteria.
The organization
1. Has been providing health care services for at least six months before the onsite survey, excluding organizations seeking accreditation through an Early Option Survey (EOS)/Initial Medicare Deemed Status Survey.
2. Is either a formally organized and legally constituted entity that primarily provides health care services, or a sub-unit that primarily provides such services within a formally organized and legally constituted entity that may be, but need not be, health related.
3. Attests to its compliance with the AAAHC Survey Eligibility Criteria and to the definition of an ASC set forth by CMS, which can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 42 Chapter IV Subchapter B Part 416.2 Definitions, which states:
Ambulatory surgical center or ASC means any distinct entity that operates exclusively for the purpose of providing surgical services to patients not requiring hospitalization and in which the expected duration of services would not exceed 24 hours following an admission. The entity must have an agreement with CMS to participate in Medicare as an ASC, and must meet the conditions set forth in subparts B and C of this part.
ASC services means, for the period before January 1, 2008, facility services that are furnished in an ASC, and beginning January 1, 2008, means the combined facility services and covered ancillary services that are furnished in an ASC in connection with covered surgical procedures.
Covered ancillary services means items and services that are integral to a covered surgical procedure performed in an ASC as provided in §416.164(b), for which payment may be made under §416.171 in addition to the payment for the facility services.
Covered surgical procedures means those surgical procedures furnished before January 1, 2008, that meet the criteria specified in §416.65 and those surgical procedures furnished on or after January 1, 2008, that meet the criteria specified in §416.166.
Facility services means for the period before January 1, 2008 , services that are furnished in connection with covered surgical procedures performed in an ASC, and beginning January 1, 2008, means services that are furnished in connection with covered surgical procedures performed in an ASC as provided in §416.164(a) for which payment is included in the ASC payment established under §416.171 for the covered surgical procedure.
4. Is in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, or, for organizations operating outside of the United States, all applicable laws and regulations.
5. Is licensed by the state in which it is located, if the state requires licensure for that organization, unless the organization is applying for a survey that will be used to obtain licensure in a state that recognizes AAAHC accreditation for this purpose.
6. Provides health care services under the direction of one of the following health care professionals; (these individuals or groups of professionals must accept responsibility for the health care provided by the organization and must be licensed in accordance with applicable state laws).
- Doctor of medicine or osteopathy (MD/DO)
- Doctor of dental surgery or dental medicine
- Doctor of podiatric medicine (DPM)
- Doctor of optometry (OD)
- Doctor of chiropractic (DC)
7. Shares the facilities, equipment, business management, and records involved in patient care among the members of the organization.
8. Operates in compliance with U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission laws.
9. Submits the completed, signed Application for Survey, all supporting documents, and the nonrefundable application fee in advance of the survey.
10. Pays the appropriate fees in accordance with AAAHC policies.
11. Acts in good faith in providing complete and accurate information to AAAHC during the accreditation process and throughout a term of accreditation.
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