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Education Development Committee

Education  Development designs curriculum

Education Development Committee provides input to and contribute to the design of AAAHC Client and Surveyor Education curriculums to assure their overall effectiveness in supporting the AAAHC mission and vision. The committee will use the life cycle of the accreditation journey as the foundation for developing cohesive and adaptable learning materials for all audiences. This will ensure consistency of content and approach between both client and surveyor facing learning.

Reports to Board of Directors

Activities and responsibilities

  • Collaborate with staff on determining AAAHC surveyor and client education curriculum based on 1095 compliance journey, program changes, practice changes, needs assessments, program evaluation data, and other inputs.
    • For clients, education that integrates our 1095 Strong, Quality Every Day philosophy and journey from initial preparation for accreditation through to ongoing compliance and reinforced quality improvement and addresses the specific needs of different priority specialties, facility types, and learners.
    • For surveyors, education that is linked to basic Surveyor position description competencies, drives surveyor Standards interpretation consistency and application appropriateness across different settings and specialties, and results in a consultative approach to client interaction, supports compliance with system and procedures, and is linked to Surveyor privileges and roles (i.e., badges).
  • Monitor participation and evaluate effectiveness of education.
  • Oversee faculty selection and education program evaluation mechanisms.
  • Comply with all Governance Unit and AAAHC policies.


  • Approve all new and revised Education program policies.
Composition, Expertise or Experience Required
  • Interest in promoting quality in ambulatory care with ability to think beyond a single specialty or ambulatory setting type.
  • Professional experience in an ambulatory health care setting. Technical or clinical expertise in a clinical specialty.
  • Experience with AAAHC accreditation, either as a surveyor or as a client.
Benefits of Membership
  • Influence the creation and effective delivery of AAAHC client and surveyor education.
  • Contribute to the improvement of ambulatory care quality and patient outcomes.

See our Governance Unit Application Process here

Annual Time Commitment Requirements

Activity# Per YearDurationDay/TimeLocation
Face-to-face meetings1-20.5-1.0 daysSaturdayVariable
Conference calls6-81.0-1.5 hrsEvenings
Hours/year of committee work required outside of meetings/calls10-20Additional travel or time commitmentsNone

Male doctor smiling

Achieving Accreditation

Strengthen your accreditation readiness

Achieving Accreditation is an interactive, immersive event designed to help you learn and prepare for your AAAHC survey while developing a deeper understanding of AAAHC Standards. We are facing the future together…1095 Strong!

Learn more about Achieving Accreditation

Doctor with family

Kershner Quality Improvement Award

Check out exemplary studies

Kershner QI Awards recognize excellence in quality improvement methodology and outcomes for AAAHC-accredited organizations in both the surgical/procedural and primary care space.

Learn more about QI innovation