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Organizational Changes

As required by AAAHC Standards, accredited organizations must notify AAAHC in writing within 15 calendar days of any significant organizational, operational, or financial changes including, but not limited to, the items below.

  • Mergers
  • Change in majority interest
  • Consolidation
  • Bankruptcy or other significant change in the financial viability of the organization
  • Name change
  • Relocation
  • Additional services or locations
  • Major renovations
  • Any interruption in service that exceeds 30 calendar days
  • Death or incapacitation of the physician or dentist in solo physician or dental organizations
  • Changes in state license or federal certification or qualifying status
  • Any governmental investigation, including local, state, or federal authorities, criminal indictment, involving directly or indirectly the organization or any of its officers, administrators, physicians/practitioners or staff
  • Adverse publicity or adverse media coverage
  • Criminal indictment, guilty plea, or verdict (other than a traffic violation) involving, directly or indirectly, the organization or any of its officers, administrators, physicians/practitioners, or staff in their role within the organization
  • Significant changes in managed care enrollment
  • Significant changes in a managed care organization or staff membership
  • Hierarchy/Affliliation changes
  • Changes to CCN
  • Closure
How to Submit Change Information

Organizations are required to submit change notifications electronically by accessing 1095 Engage and selecting the Change Notification link from the client menu. In addition, AAAHC offers education curriculum around 1095 Engage and the change notification process. Click here to enroll now!

Accreditation is not automatically maintained when an accredited organization undergoes changes as described above. The AAAHC Accreditation Committee will determine whether the current accreditation term will be maintained and establish any related conditions.