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Health Plan FEHB Accreditation

Achieve Health Plan FEHB Accreditation

AAAHC offers a unique peer-based review process founded on a collaborative, consultative, and educational approach. The AAAHC Certificate of Accreditation is widely recognized as a symbol of quality by third party payers, medical organizations, liability insurance companies, state and federal agencies, and the public.

Make your commitment to accreditation readiness

At the core of our mission and vision is the 1095 Strong, quality every day philosophy. This commitment to ongoing education and quality improvement demonstrates survey readiness not only on the day of the survey but all 1,095 days of the accreditation term. A complete list of the AAAHC Policies and Procedures can be found within the Accreditation Handbook for Health Plans FEHB.

Purchase your handbook today

AAAHC policies and procedures within the handbook describe requirements of surveys, programs, and assist organizations in realistically assessing their preparation strategy.

Surveys tailored to your organization

AAAHC tailors your accreditation survey to the type, size, and range of services offered by your organization. AAAHC determines the length of the onsite visit and the number of surveyors based on your Application for Accreditation and supporting documents. These factors determine your survey fee.

We welcome questions regarding the scope of your survey or the estimated survey cost. Application fees are non-refundable.

Contact us

For additional details regarding scheduling and cancellation policies, review the current version of the handbook applicable to your program.

Order your handbook

Qualify for an accreditation survey

Organizations are considered for accreditation by AAAHC on an individual basis. A Health Plan FEHB organization is eligible for an accreditation if it meets all of the following criteria.

The organization

  1. is formally organized and legally constituted and primarily administers a contracted network of health care providers for the provision of health care services for a defined membership
  2. is under the oversight of a physician (MD/DO) or dentist (DDS or DMD)
  3. is in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, or, for organizations operating outside of the United States, all applicable laws and regulations
  4. operates in compliance with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission laws

Browse our handbooks

Earn your accreditation term

AAAHC awards accreditation for three years when it concludes that the organization is in substantial compliance with the Standards and when AAAHC has no reservations about the organization’s continuing commitment to provide high-quality member care and services consistent with the Standards. Organizations may receive a three-year term with intracycle activities required for continued assessment of ongoing compliance with the Standards.

See our survey types

Post your public Notice of Survey

AAAHC reminds all organizations that the policy requires that a Notice of Survey be posted prominently throughout the organization for (30) calendar days prior to the scheduled survey date(s), with the exception of random and discretionary surveys.

To download the Notice of Survey, log in to your 1095 Engage Profile and click on Help Curtain.

Understand a denial or revocation of accreditation

AAAHC denies accreditation to an organization when it concludes that the organization is not in substantial compliance with AAAHC Standards and/or policies and procedures.

AAAHC reserves the right to revoke or deny the accreditation of any organization at any time without prior notice. Your AAAHC account manager will help you navigate the requirements to remain in good standing.

Contact us for questions

Male doctor smiling

Achieving Accreditation

Strengthen your accreditation readiness

Achieving Accreditation is an interactive, immersive event designed to help you learn and prepare for your AAAHC survey while developing a deeper understanding of AAAHC Standards. We are facing the future together…1095 Strong!

Learn more about Achieving Accreditation

Doctor with family

Kershner Quality Improvement Award

Check out exemplary studies

Kershner QI Awards recognize excellence in quality improvement methodology and outcomes for AAAHC-accredited organizations in both the surgical/procedural and primary care space.

Learn more about QI innovation