Posted in: Announcements

Change Notification Process

For service scope changes including temporary closures, suspension and expansion of services directly associated with COVID-19, download and complete the Change Notification form, click here.

CMS Position Regarding Temporary Closure

If a health care facility temporarily closes because it only provides elective cases/non-emergency treatment or appointments consistent with CDC and CMS recommendations, CMS would not view this as a cessation of business; therefore, would not be deemed as a voluntary termination of the Medicare agreement under 42 C.F.R. §489.52 or §416.35(a)(3). Facilities needing to temporarily shut down or limit operations should post notices at their business as well as on public facing websites and social media platforms during this emergency.


Report suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 if you are within a survey window or if case occurred within 14 days post-survey by notifying AAAHC immediately at 847.324.7485. There is no need to report community outbreaks, just cases in your organization.


With a few exceptions, all accredited organizations will remain accredited regardless of anniversary/expiration date during this period. Once normal operations resume across the country, AAAHC will schedule surveys through a “catch-up” process.

Survey Activity

Surveys have been postponed with exception to those organizations with identified Immediate Jeopardy, Infection Control deficiencies or other deficiencies resulting in heightened safety risk to patients and employees, and Initial and Early Option (EOS) surveys.